Possible Humanoid Found On Mars?

A possible humanoid alien has been spotted on Mars, by the curiosity rover, the bizarre image which was photographed at gale crater, appears to show a humanoid looking figure crouching behind some rocks.

Its also interesting to note, that this mysterious figure was caught in two different image, this indicates that the figure is actually there and not a image glitch or a trick of light and shadow.

Once we have processed the image and enhanced it, we can clearly see some important details.

In the enhanced image, we can clearly see a head with some defined features, a partial body with an extended arm and a possible hand, which appears to holding something, possibly a communication device.

To the left of the humanoid we can see a possible weapon or perhaps an observation scope.

Many conspiracy theorists believe, that NASA has already established a human presence on mars, if this true and the evidence seems to suggest it is, then NASA must disclose the real truth and finally reveal the secrets of the red planet.

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